About InterpersonalDynamics
We don’t know who you are. We don’t know what you want. If you are looking for an overnight fix, we can tell you we do not have one. But, what we do have are a very particular set of skills, skills acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for poor communicators and difficult employees. If you contact us now, that will be the end of it. We will not contact you, we will not pursue you. But if you don’t, you will continue to struggle, you will continue to be frustrated, and we will be working with your competitors making them better.
InterpersonalDynamics is focused on one thing – improving communication skills. Some consultants focus on creating a pool of shared meaning; we are focused on creating an ocean of understanding.
We are professionals who have studied communication and leadership and have worked with countless numbers of teams and individuals to make the daily work experience better. We are more than a self-help management book. We get in, we dig in, and we incisively reveal the ironic outcomes of poor communication and leadership which opens the door to improvement.
InterpersonalDynamics is led by Kelly O'Brien, a communication expert who blah blah blah... We shall spare you the flashy fluff that fills most personal bios. If you're looking for a bio to influence your decision to contact us, you are probably not ready to make the call.